Society of Women Engineers
Hawaiian Islands Section
Please pardon our dust while we continue to revamp our website.

We hope to see you at one of our virtual or in-person events!
Over the years, we’ve hosted many events as we are committed to sustaining connection and creating an engaging all-inclusive community for our members. In the past, our events have included topical workshops, on-site tours at local partners, ice cream socials, and professional networking. Before 2021 our events included many fundraisers in order to reach our endowment goal for the SWE-HI Mae Nakatani Nishioka Scholarship Fund.
Spoiler alert: WE DID IT :-)
In the past few years, like many organizations, we’ve struggled to host in-person events since COVID-19. Now moving forward, we will be initiating an annual in-person gathering. Since we are a unique section comprising of on-island and on-mainland folks who live across many states, we will be allocating our efforts and resources to create an event that allows for all of us to gather. Therefore allotting time for those of us who may need to travel to attend. We are all here because we deeply connect to Hawaiʻi nei and our roots are in local communities, so we can’t wait to make this happen and share ono food together!